This is Ladakh, a region of Jammu-Kashmir, situated up in the Himalayas. I traveled up there after graduation before flying back over here. It was stunning.
To get up to the northern-most state of India, we got a jeep, plane, train, bus and then another jeep. It took us quite a couple of hours, with the inevitable adventures and tribulations that come along with traveling in India as teenagers. It was however most definitely worth it.
I will soon tell the tales of our travels, however for the time being, these are the most interesting things I've done post-India:
i. sat on the beach outside a Bon Jovi concert with friends I hadn't seen in six months, and then we saw a, unexpected, better live performer in a small pub in town afterwards.
ii. met the Prince of the Netherlands and my first years, who got to wear the orange polos and sing the cheesy sponsor-thanking songs on stage this year.
iii. started to volunteer for a charity working with refugees in the Hague, for which I met a bunch of lovely mothers and children displaced in the Netherlands.
iv. unpacked and slept. a lot.
As for the near future, I'm off to see Salman Rushdie talking about peace now, and have a UWC barbeque tomorrow. Next week equals grandparents, dropping by Utrecht and most probably more sleeping and listening to a lot of music.
I'll talk about India more, soon!